Can I have a reeeeeaaaally long break?

Do you have days that you ask yourself – Why am I doing this?

Are you asking yourself this question every time you come back from work and feel exhausted?

Do you feel too exhausted anyway but you end up going to sleep and wake up to the horror that you’ve got to do it all over again?

If these are some of the questions you are asking yourself daily, probably you are one of those types in the system that we are using called Human Design called Projectors or rather Advisors. These are the people that are here to think, are here to see and express themselves, guide the others and organize the energy in a group. And they are here to be rewarded for not being a worker and use their energy all the time. As what usually happens is, these types if done for long years allow themselves to get to a stage where they do not want to get out of bed and cannot do anything that is required for them for the family, let alone themselves!

These are the types of people that often end up with lots of auto-immune diseases that require them to take medication for the rest of their lives. That on the other hand damages their organs and this is how these people are dragging the endless wheel of bitterness, frustration and constant unhappiness for what they are doing. Yes, money do matter and they are very import part of our modern world. But let me ask you – is the cost you are paying worth it? Can you do something else that will get you the same money but will not physically drain you?

If you recognize yourself in any of the above stressful states, most probably you are one of those 22% of the world population that should have a very different approach in the way they work. And need to be extremely selective to what they say ‘Yes’ to.

How to check what your type is?

You can always check what your type is on and if you doubt what it means – call us and let us know whether you are willing to change something.

I am one of those types and have spend my last 13years in the grinding world of the 9 to 5 corporations. I was on the bringe of a meltdown, where the bills were ruling my life and nothing else mattered but me being able to earn enough money to bring home and raise my boy as a single mum. Now, a year after I left the corporate world, I use my inspiration to write this text to you. I put my alarm only when something really urgent is required from me. But the important thing is – I managed to complete all my long-intended projects like watching the films I wanted, reading the books I planned to read. The biggest inspiration is that I work whenever I have the energy to do it. Sometimes I lose track of time and it is 9pm before I even notice, but then I have the flexibility not to work the next day if I don’t want to. So, if you want to go that path, don’t assume it is a straightforward and I can give you a quick solution.

I went through my process for the past 5 years. But now I have dedicated my time and efforts to shorten that time for the people that realise their exhaustion. This can minimize the health complications, and significantly improve on the happier and more fulfilling daily routines.

Start small. If you feel like having a chat with me – book a 15 min no-obligation session and we can discuss the stage that you are in.  

Are you ready to break free?

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